Dorothy Mantooth is a Saint

Sports, pop culture, and politics, Pittsburgh-style, with french fries on top.

Location: United States

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Meet Your New Recurring Nightmare

The Steelers new mascot has officially been named "Steeley McBeam". Some common mispronounciations of his name include:

  1. Ally McBeal
  2. Steeley Dan Rooney
  3. Stealers McWheels
  4. Beam Me Up Scotty
  5. MacLean Stevenson
  6. Jimmy McBeam
  7. Jimmy Dean
  8. Abe Frohman, the Sausage King
  9. Uncle Remus
  10. Imakekids McScream
  11. Dickhead



Blogger Woy said...

My favorite was from someone at work: Ass Man.

5:09 PM  
Blogger J.T. said...

Nice. After someone yelled that out, I could see Steeley responding in Kramer-like fashion with "You got that right!"

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, exactly, is this guy supposed to be? I mean, besides the thing you most want to avoid in a dark alley? No, really. I'm serious. Is he listed on the sex offenders Web site yet?

6:16 PM  
Blogger M.J. said...

You missed "Steelie McFeelie."

6:24 PM  

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